Thursday, May 1, 2014

Truth Is, You Were Planned...

When my husband and I had our children, we made conscious efforts to bring other lives into our family.  It was with great anticipation and love that we prayed for and eventually had our children.  And even though many people don’t plan when they conceive, there are plenty of us that were created because of the love two people had for one another.

I was fortunate enough to attend a women’s retreat a few months ago where it was laid out and revealed to me the truths that were spoken over me (and each and every one of us) in the bible before we were ever conceived in the flesh.  It’s actually pretty amazing to see it listed and I did a little research to find them myself.  Here’s what God said about us:
We are…
His, His children, justified, redeemed, His friends, free, accepted, called, wise, righteous, new, loved, chosen, holy, forgiven, bold, complete, justified, the light of the world, powerful, loving, appointed, guaranteed, cleansed, whole, honored, wanted, enjoyed, gifted, pursued, anointed, equipped, irreplaceable, victorious, safe, secure, a channel, beloved, we have a family.

Isn’t that amazing??  I thank God for this revelation in my prayers every morning.  But honestly, I didn’t really get it until a few days ago and I couldn’t stop thinking about it and how much I wanted to share it with you.  See, it occurred to me that I felt many of these things in some degree or another for my own children before they were even conceived and while I was awaiting their arrival.  It makes perfect sense that our heavenly father would feel this about each one of us - but on a much bigger scale.  All of a sudden I thought about people I know who don’t always feel their worth.  I think about people who feel abandoned, people that don’t have earthly families, people that have lost their parents, people that have hurtful relationships, people that feel alone.  Oh wow, how we all need to hear this!  How we all need to know every single day that God (the best dad ever!) planned for us.  Planned for you, wanted you, longed for you, created you to be a part of his family, made a place for you!  And not just in the past tense, but in the present and future tense too.  Not only did he set up your nursery, but he set aside your college fund and inheritance!  He made a life for you, and while things aren’t always as we would have them – He set them up masterfully so that you would be in the best possible place to inherit the good stuff when it’s all said and done.  If, before we had our kids, I had the means to line up everything for them to end up in just the right place when the last sun sets – wouldn’t I do that?  To give them the experiences that they need and will make them good people, even if it isn’t always what they want or when they want it?  To set them up for success even if that means having to present them with obstacles I know they’ll make it through?  I would so do that.  It’s genius!

“Whatever your struggles or failures, those are not the truest things about you”.  I hope that if you didn’t know what His feelings for you were when you were written into His plan, you will take joy in knowing the truth now.