Thursday, November 19, 2015


If you are not a Christian, I pray you will read my story anyway.  Thanks.

Affliction.  I suppose I have more than one, but perhaps the one that stands out to me the most is the anxiety and panic attacks I suffered for over 8 years.  During my recovery, which I believe I’m still in the midst, I’ve learned many valuable lessons.  And while there were many resources that God put in my path to aid in my healing, the greatest factor was without question Jesus Christ.

So, what did I learn?  Well, I remember about two years ago as I was going through a recovery program I was told that part of my inability to get well was because I didn’t want to.  I was instantly offended.  “That couldn’t be me – I’m miserable.  Being subject to anxiety, panic, depression and all the junk that comes along with those diagnoses are difficult to live with.  Surely, I wouldn’t in any way, want to be afflicted with these things, let alone continue to endure them.”  And then I was told the part I was hanging onto, maybe even looking forward to wasn’t the pain and misery, but the “high.”

When you have something like anxiety and panic attacks there are lots of lows.  Depression can creep in, low self-esteem, feelings of failure and loneliness.  It gets deep people.  Think of sinking into a deep void in the ground and not being able to climb out.  The more you struggle up those muddy walls, the deeper the void gets until you resolve to just sit at the bottom and wait to be rescued.  Pretty low, right?  I’d get to places that were unthinkable.  I knew they were not right and I would even feel guilty about how dark my thoughts were.  I was blessed to be introduced to God at a very early age, and well the God I learned of, the God I knew of wouldn’t allow me to be in this place without His grace to sustain it a, so why was it so dark for me?  I would begin to spiral out of control.  Maybe it was a headache I couldn’t explain, a pain in my back, stomach, arm or leg – but I would start to obsess over that one little thing until it was all I could think about.  I would literally make myself sick over it - the breathing, hearing my own heart race, sweating, hearing probably every function our bodies make during a normal day, nausea, getting lightheaded - none of it seemed natural.  This would persist until I would have to be rushed to the hospital.  Sometimes it wasn’t so severe, I would just go into the doctor and have them run up thousands of dollars in tests.  All just so the doctors could come in the room and tell me “Mrs. Sauceda, it looks like you’re fine.  All your tests came back clean.  You’re in perfectly good health.”  There it is, relief.  The high.  Those moments, hours, even days after sometimes when I could breathe deeply and feel safe and alive.  Don’t get me wrong it didn’t always end with a medical visit.  Sometimes it was just having my six year old daughter go with me to the restroom, at home.  There were times I’d have my husband wake up in the middle of the night to stay awake while I slept.  I’m not gonna lie, in a pinch I’ve called someone on the phone and cried silently while they spoke, just so I wasn’t alone.  But that moment of rescue, of relief was a high.  And I had started looking forward to those highs.  This doesn’t mean I was actively staging panic attacks, absolutely not.  My fears were as real as anything can be.  Having someone bring this to my attention, that I was not fully recovering from this because I had become dependent on those moments of relief, well I didn’t take it well.  I remember being angry and offended.  This illness was not of my choosing.  No one decides to be afflicted with fear.  How dare he suggest that I have choice?!

I skipped a few days of my program in protest.  But after a few days of prayer I returned to hear the same message.  And there I found clarity.  Immediately, I thought this opens up a whole world of possibilities!  No, I didn’t choose to have anxiety or panic attacks any more than someone chooses to develop diabetes.  While this may be the cross I was given to bear, I had choices.  Instantly I saw a spectrum of people, afflicted people, did they have choices too?  People addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, sex, gambling, those seemed easier to see – they had choices.  Pedophiles had choices.   Homosexuals had choices.  And people that were ill, people with some mental illnesses, people with some diseases, injuries and some disabilities – I saw choices.   It wasn’t as simple as choosing not to be afflicted – that was already done, I already was.  But, choosing to submit to those afflictions or not, well that is where the choice was revealed to me.  I could decide to permanently live in fear, eventually succumbing to darkness, not leaving the house, quitting my job, not driving, not living OR I could fight the uphill battle to be free of my affliction – or at least to use it be a source of help and hope for others.

The question became:
I didn’t choose to be afflicted by anxiety and panic attacks, I have God’s word that I was not created to be afraid – it was not the purpose for which I was intended, but anxiety and panic attacks are like a gift to me, as a way to refine me like the finest gold.  How can I glorify God by coming through this affliction and serving as a testimony to God’s power, mercy and love?

(Woah, I gotta tell you, this feels amazing!)

Okay, so it was hard to admit that I was afflicted.  Who wants to hear that?  Hearing that I had a choice was no picnic either, still a little bummed about that one.  And while realizing that, like it or not, the one true God designed and created every part of me specifically to accomplish some task(s) is overwhelming and awesome, it comes with a big load of responsibility and pressure.  It’s like being at work and your boss picking you to employ a project that only you have the skills to do impeccably.  But God’s word is absolute and true and I have His promise that He will make my imperfection into what it takes to do His will.This- part- is- not- easy.  Waiting.  This was not an overnight recovery or transition, in fact I do believe that despite being in recovery for the last two years, I’m still on my way to full and complete recovery.  My affliction was with me for a long time, perhaps long before the 8 years began.  It grew on me, I’d lived with it for so long, it was the only way I knew how to be – it was almost comfortable, even.  Old habits die hard and I still catch myself reverting to what is easy and the path of least resistance.  But, I’ve chosen to be led by Christ – sometimes that means I walk hand in hand with Him and other times it means He’s got my wrist and he’s pulling me along where I can’t get a foothold on my own.I just keep saying, “Father, don’t let go of me!”And He doesn’t.  He won’t.  Ever.

Today, where I am, I can see the light.  I can feel the warm sun on my face.  It’s still not easy, my life hasn’t turned into rainbows and unicorns overnight.  I still struggle with anxiety and panic attacks, feelings of sadness or failure.  But it is easier.  I don’t delay, I call on God’s help constantly.  The part where I see God and feel Him lighten my load is more frequent and pronounced.  Will it ever be forgotten, will I get so far from my affliction that it will be a distant memory – I hope not.  I want to remember the pain, I want to wear my affliction like a badge or maybe like a crown.A trophy.  Like a pelt that proudly proclaims, “I defeated this enemy with the sword.”And I’ll wear the sword around my neck too, The Cross, Jesus. 

Maybe this sounds like a stretch to you, but I challenge you – scroll back up and read the question.  What’s your affliction?  Fill it in the blanks.  If you dare to believe that there is ONE true God and He has the power to do all things for His glory, what do you think He will do through you?  If you believed, just for a moment that your affliction is a means to refine you like gold, or diamonds, and that just asking one time could change your whole world into something beyond your wildest imagination – would you do it?  If you aren’t a believer in Jesus Christ, I ask you to open your heart to the possibility for just as long as it takes you to read the question.  If you are a believer, I ask you to do the same.

I prayed for you and over these words before they ever appeared on the screen.  I will keep praying for you, that you know you are loved and worthy because God says you are.I pray that you will feel His love for you and come to know Him.  AMEN.

a  1 Corinthians 10:13
b  Psalm 34:17-20
c  James 1:12
d  Philippians 4:19
e  2 Corinthians 11:14
f  Hebrews 4:12
g  Romans 5:8

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What's Your Leaky Faucet?

Isn’t it funny how sometimes our environment reminds us to do things we should be doing?  You’ve been meaning to fix that leaky faucet for weeks, and suddenly every stop light, you’re behind some kind of plumbing truck, a plumbing commercial comes on 5 times during your favorite tv show and your work friend tells a story about her handy hubby fixing a little plumbing problem at her house.  Alright already - you get it, so you call a plumber and make an appointment.

Well, there are some leaky faucets in my spiritual house that have been in need of repair for a few months now:

1.      Obedience.  Since I’ve been home, the writing project has been at a stand-still and I’ve been looking for some direction on exactly what format I should be working on, even when He says "Just Write."
2.      Smallness.  I’m a bit of a day-dreamer, always have been.  Just about anything coming up, I’ll day dream constantly about how it’s going to turn out.  I tend to dream big, so when things don’t turn out as perfectly as I’ve imagined it’s a big let-down.  Isn't bigger better?
3.      Stillness.  I’m not a real go-with-the-flow kind of girl.  I’d love to be, mostly.  But the truth is I’m a lister.  Make a list and check it off one by one.  No list, no direction.  No checks, you’ve failed.  And I’m not very patient.   So, you can see where 1 and 2 may become more of a problem.

In May, when God asked me to leave the job I had and come home to write for him full-time, I did.  But, when I told anyone what I was doing, I realized how crazy that sounded.  How do you tell anyone you left a paying job to go home and jot things down from time to time without sounding like a loon?!  Stillness.  So, I thought it would be better to tell people I was working on a book.    Besides, I didn’t know what I was supposed to write anyway, so I thought it best to give myself a little push, a direction to get me going.  Smallness.  I started to dream, “I bet this book will be so good it will hit the talk show circuits, get made into a movie and reach lots of people.  That’s probably what God has planned”.  I wasn’t hoping for fame and fortune, I wanted to credit it all to God.  But I did think that would probably be the way he would provide for my family.  I had it all figured out. (Insert laugh here).  Obedience.  Only, four months later, the book doesn’t look very much like a book – heck, it doesn’t look like very much of anything.  Actually, it looks like a couple of hand-written pages of characters in a spiral notebook, it looks like a few lines of song lyrics in another spiral notebook, it looks like a schedule to an app for teens and it looks like a few pages of reflection over a couple of scriptures.  I was all over the place and no closer to knowing what I was doing than when I started.  I am no closer to A.  Finishing so I can go back to a paying job, or B.  Being compensated for what I’m working on.  And what’s worse, I felt like a flighty mess creating a stress on her family.

Okay, so you can say I’ve kind of led myself awry.  Over the past few weeks, I’ve been presented several scriptures and sermons specifically dedicated to these topics.  While I prayed for guidance in a couple of areas, I didn’t seek out these scriptures or search for topical sermons – they are simply what was presented in my daily bible readings.  Well, at least I knew who to call to get my house fixed.  In matters of obedience, we can look to the story of Abraham and Sarah in the book of Genesis.  Not only did God promise them a son, but He promised 75 year old Abraham that his descendants would be an entire nation.  And after 25 years, there was no son.  And even though Sarah chose to take matters into her own hands, God’s plan was still far greater than what anyone could’ve imagined.  What a lesson of faith, waiting, trust and obedience.  For me, I’ve been stressing over what to write, wanting to make sure it’s “big enough,” even dreaming about how it will turn out.  But I can be reminded of the importance of smallness and making ourselves small is what God wants of us in Luke 9:46-50.  And finally, when waiting leaves me wanting and perhaps meddling in His work,  I see how God’s stillness and silence even when his friend Lazarus is dying can make way for the unimaginable God has planned in John, chapter 11.

But if putting those biblical reminders in my view was not enough, Jesus set up a very tangible example for me yesterday.  He asked for obedience and stillness to introduce me to two Godly women in a way we all recognized as His work.  And in that meeting he joined us in prayer giving us specific words and directions to further encourage and bless all three of us, no longer strangers – but sisters.  If you don’t believe God can do that for you in whatever difficulties you are facing right now, I pray that you will open your heart to Him.  Don’t dismiss those thoughts or moments when He whispers to your heart.  Instead, pray for His presence and open your bible or a bible app to any page and let the Holy Spirit guide your understanding.

Check out some of my favorite apps:  Laudate’s Daily Readings, Reflection and All Podcasts isn’t just for Catholics.  First5 from the folks at Proverbs 31 is great for women, but I think men would also enjoy it.  And, Your Move with Andy Stanley was recently recommended to me and I couldn’t be more excited about sharing this format with my family.  If you have some app recommendations for me, please leave a comment below so we can check ‘em out.

If there is a topic you’d like me to look into or if you have any questions, please leave it in the comments.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

I'm All In

So, I’ve been off the radar for the past few months ‘working’ on a project.  And I have news to share.

One weekend in May, I was in my morning prayer when God asked me quite specifically to leave my job and come home to work for him.  I’d been contemplating a task he’d put on my heart for some time, “Just Write” he said.  For months I’d been trying to write something substantial, something worthy.  “Just Write” he would say.  So there I was fitting it into my week, squeezing in a little time here and there to put pen to paper when I could.  After feeling like I was getting nowhere, I began to question exactly what it was I was being called to do – had I misunderstood?  After all I’m just a girl, perhaps I got it wrong.  So that morning in prayer, after months of silence, God spoke to me loud and clear.  He said, you should write that.  [That being a screenplay or something to be used for a motion picture].  I’d never done that before, I didn’t – correction, don’t know the first thing about writing something like that.  Well, the conversation began and here’s how it went:

            Me:  Well, that sounds awesome, but I haven’t a clue how to go about that.
            Him:  I know, but I’ve equipped you with the tools to carry this out.
            Me:  Okay then, that’s what I’ll do!  So, since I’ve been dealing with PTSD, anxiety and panic attacks that’s probably what I should write about.  Oh, I bet that will help so many people – I’m so excited.
            Him:  Yes, that will be a project for you to work on later.  Right now I want you to work on something about taking a leap of faith.  The Leap.
            Me:  The Leap?  That’s a great title.  Well, I do love that subject.  This is fantastic!  Thank you for the direction, I needed this.  I’ll make time after work to work on this project, as often as I can.
            Him:  Why not every day?
            Me:  Okay, then I’ll make time to work on it after work every day.
            Him:  Why not make THIS your full-time job?
            Me:  Okay, but how will we pay our bills – how will I make what we need to pay the bills?
            Him: Don’t worry about that, I’ll provide for all that you need.
            Me:  Are you sure I can get this done?  I’ve never done anything like this.  I’m not sure I’m creative enough or smart enough.  I’m not sure I’m enough of anything, really.
            Him:  I have made you enough.

So, after a good cry (all extremely grateful and happy tears) I called Joe in to tell him the news.  We’d already been living paycheck to paycheck with my salary, so the idea of dropping to one income was beyond what any math could calculate to cover our cost of living.  But, my husband was immediately on board.  He said, “the Lord has never failed us before, so if he says he’s got us covered I’m sure he does.”  We shared the news with our very supportive children and family.

The next week I gave my two weeks notice at work.  In the weeks that followed I told different people, co-workers, family and friends about my new project.  I assumed it would be a challenge to tell people about it without sounding flighty and a little nuts, so I preemptively tempered how I would tell people.  But not one person ever questioned.  Each person I told was supportive and enthusiastic.  Perhaps God was already providing me an atmosphere of encouragement and support.  Yay!  This was starting out great.

I came home and spent the entire summer with my kids – it was a bonus I hadn’t given enough credit.  I created a routine for getting the house in order, started an exercise regimen and made changes to our household budget to help us get by with less.  I worked on some plot and character development and looked into tools for creating a screenplay.  Then I stalled.  I prayed for direction and creativity.  I started to think perhaps I was going in the wrong direction.  Maybe I should be writing a book.  Begin again.  Stall again.  Pray again.  Maybe I should be working on an app.  Begin again.  Stall again.  Pray again.  When people ask what I do for a living, be vague.  When people ask how the writing is going, give a creative answer without actually giving an answer, be vague.  People will think you have failed.  They will think you’re flighty – all over the place.  They’ll think, God didn’t say anything to you – you just screwed up – you’re a mess.

Adding insult to injury, the car’s compressor goes, then the other’s tires go out, then the car a/c goes out (it’s summer in Houston people) and now the freezer just died.  With finances getting more strained I was becoming more and more distracted and my creative well was running low.  I began to think the best thing for my family would be me finding a job and going back to work.  I obviously was not getting this project going fast enough, and we would run out of resources before I could possibly be of any help financially.  How am I supposed to provide for my family like this?

And then He answered – I’m not.  I’m supposed to “Just Write” and HE will provide for all of our needs.  That’s what God said at the start and that has not changed (and it will not change).  I just need to renew my trust in Him.  It’s not about how fast I get it done, or the speed at which progress happens.  There should be no re-thinking our conversation.  He WAS specific.  He doesn’t make mistakes or choose wrong words.  He made sure I heard and understood each and every word perfectly.  There should be no second-guessing.  If I trust Him fully to provide the tools, the creativity, the financial and loving care for me and my family these distractions will have no impact.  Fear and doubt will fall away and I can get back to the task at hand.  Vague answers be damned.

I was asked by God to leave my job, come home and write The Leap, a story about what it is to take a leap of faith.  This story will one day be a motion picture and it will touch and encourage many.  I have no idea how I will do this, but God has assured me He has it figured out, so I’m all in.

Do you feel distracted?  Is the enemy throwing things at you to keep you from trusting God, to keep you in doubt, to keep you from doing what God has called you to do?  Remember Abram (Genesis 15) and the covenant God cut for him; The covenant he cut for us.  Be encouraged.

*I don't have advertisers on this page, but I have been really happy with an app I use daily.  Perhaps you will benefit from it as well.  #first5 app for apple and android users.  Also, keep in mind that September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, learn more about it at or search for Ovarian Cancer Awareness.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


My heart has been called to speak.  The past few days I’ve struggled with how to best articulate my thoughts on the issue of marriage in a thoughtful and respectful way.  Not to condemn or to judge, but to proclaim and rejoice.  So, after prayer God has given me counsel:  *[Jesus] has given me reason to abandon the easy path for a more perfect mission of love.

But I walk in integrity; redeem me and have mercy on me.  My foot stands on level ground; in the assemblies I will bless the Lord.  Psalm 26:11-12

It is my belief that marriage is a holy sacrament meant to join one man and one woman.  (Now, hold on and hear me out, please).

The idea that two people that love and care about each other and have chosen to spend their lives together and raise a family together is an admirable one to me.   I know the difficulties couples face on a daily basis and I know adding challenges of any kind only increases the hard work that goes into keeping a couple and/or a family secure.  I appreciate any couple that makes the effort it takes to be faithful, to work through hardships and to provide a loving home to a child.  I think it is fair that those couples be subject to the same benefits in insurance, taxes and such.  However, this doesn’t change my belief that the sacrament of marriage is a covenant established by God for joining together a man and a woman.

Over the last few days I’ve seen so many statements for and against the Supreme Court ruling on marriage.  It really does hurt my heart to see what division this has caused among people in our country.  I don’t think that standing up in favor of the ruling makes you a “demon” any more than speaking out in opposition makes you a “bigot.”  The word “hate” has been used so much it makes my eyes hurt.

Tolerance.  The dictionary defines tolerance as the ability or willingness to tolerate something , in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.  But I feel like we would be remissed to leave out that tolerance is a two way street.  And, tolerance doesn’t mean condone.  I’ve seen a lot of condemning those that don’t approve or sanction one’s beliefs or feelings.  In either direction, that’s not right and it’s not showing love on any level.

I sincerely believe that love never fails and I hope – and am confident – it will win here and now.  Not necessarily what each of us believes love should look like, because those things are clearly so different.  But what God says love IS. 

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.   It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  1Corinthians 13:4-7

For all my brothers and sisters with worry over this time in our world, those feeling unaccepted and judged – no matter which perspective you are looking from, I ask you to increase your faith and I offer you this:

He replied, “you of little faith, why are you so afraid?”  Then he got up and rebuked the wind and the waves and it was completely calm.  Matthew 8:26

*, June 30, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Better Than I Thought

My struggle with anxiety and panic attacks is real.  As I get further along my road to complete recovery I stumble upon things that seem to propel me foward and sometimes things that seem to set me back.  One of the things I think it's most important to keep in mind is that it is all on my way to healing, recovery and restoration.

This week I stayed home on Monday because I wasn't feeling well.  When I got to work on Tuesday, I learned that a relatively young man in the adjoining office building had passed away in his office on Friday afternoon.  I did not know him, so much so that I didn't recognize his name and I couldn't really tell you what he looked like.  In fact, since I wasn't even there on Friday or Monday, I was fairly well removed from the entire situation altogether.  My initial observation was that I seemed to be at a safe distance from this experience and it might be a good opportunity for me to 'walk' close to a potentially fear-inducing circumstance and test out some of my healing and recovery.  I saw my absence on those 2 days as a blessing and thought I might really be able to measure my recovery in a real-world situation.  As details and information swirled at our offices throughout the week, it became evident that not only did my distance not seem to be a factor, but that I was not skipping along down the path of recovery as far as I would have guessed.  Reality check.

However, I have been determined to stay fixed on my Heavenly Father and to try and put my perspective of this experience into perspective when it comes to the whole of my healing.  Here's what I mean:  Although, the details that were shared with me this week have elevated my anxiety and stress levels quite substantially - I've learned some valuable lessons that I believe will help me in the future.  Also, I've noticed that over the last few weeks, I am in a unique position to share what I have learned over the last 8+ years to help others.  Honestly, I believe that is part of the purpose of this whole journey I've been on and that has been a tremendous help and propelled me forward in huge ways.  (Glad for that).

So, what did I learn?

1. I'm a compassionate person, so I often want to empathize with people - not just to offer sympathy.  This is not always necessary and I should not feel compelled to empathize in every situation.  Perhaps this is why Hallmark doesn't sell empathy cards.  Empathy is not "better" than sympathy, it's just a different emotion reserved for someone who can relate.  I don't have to try and put on someone else's shoes in a show of solidarity, instead I need to remember that to offer love and support for someone is enough.

2. I have learned to recognize those things that trigger my anxiety and panic in most cases and I should not be hesitant to stop someone mid-sentence when I see a trigger on the horizon.  It's my mind and my body and I'm responsible for protecting it.  If someone thinks I'm weird or rude  well, it's worth it to me to stay healthy for me and my family.

3. When I falter, when I shake and God help me  when I fail, my Heavenly Father does not.  Not only will He keep a hold of me, but He will let me know that I am covered by His love above all things.  I am His and that always has been and always will be true.  This allows me to pick myself up, dust myself off and give a big smile and a wave as I continue on.

I pray that I will keep learning and I hope you will pray that for me too.  My family and friends have been such an amazing discovery through this whole process and I'm amazed by how God can send you exactly what you need even when it's someone or something that has been right beside you all along.  I want to recognize a few people (certainly not all of them) that have been a source of strength and inspiration for me this month:

Joe, who is always willing to be my sounding board.  Kami, who loves so big and is my little partner.  Jay, who teaches me something new every day.  Staci, for always thinking of me when it's time to soak.  Diane for showing me faith above fear.  And Mary, for trusting me with your stuff and for listening, listening, listening to mine. ;-)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Cost of Living

Happy New Year!  Yes, I'm a bit behind on publishing new stuff so I hope you'll forgive me.  For 2015 I have decided that I want to make this year not about just getting to "brave" but to actually being brave and doing brave things.  If you've not done this kind of resolution before, I highly suggest you try it.  Pick your word and make it a part of your goals every day or every week!

I visited the pharmacy this week to pick up a prescription.  It's medication I should be taking but haven't for the better part of probably 9 months.  Now, while not taking it is not immediately life threatening or anything like that, it certainly does serve a purpose.  My decision stop taking this medication was not based on the medication itself, really.  Rather, because of the cost of the name-brand medication and honestly the difficulty refilling the prescription each month I just stopped ordering it.  Over the past few months I've started to notice the effects of not taking this medication regularly and decided that it is worth the hassle  to refill and the money  I would pay out of pocket. (Ugh)

When I arrived at the pick-up window this week, I was shocked when the attendant told me the amount I must pay.  "But I have insurance."  The attendant reminded me that I had not yet met my annual deductible and would be paying this price each month until I had done so.  "Haven't they released a generic for this yet?"  The patient woman behind the counter assured me that the item in my bag is the recently released generic.  What??? "Well, didn't I pay less for the name brand?"  Again, the attendant explained that my previous orders were made post-deductible and the amount I had paid before was just a portion of the actual cost of the medication.  She must have to explain these things alot, because she was very patient and understanding as I stared back at her with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.  The attendant went on to explain that today I was paying full-price for the generic ($70) versus full price for the name-brand ($395).  At that I politely shut my mouth, blinked my eyes and thanked her before driving away.

Only moments down the street, I began to process what I had just experienced.  My medication is designed to keep symptoms at bay and without it I could experience some levels of deterioration at an accelerated rate.  However, there are people out there that take various medications which they need to survive - like blood pressure, seizure, heart rate, or even treatment of various diseases or viruses that could be deadly.  How is it then that we [the United States] allow drug manufacturers to charge people over 564% more than the generic?  I mean, it's not like the manufacturers of the generic brand aren't making any money, there is a profit margin - I'd guess a healthy one - on their $70/box version.  So how is it legal or acceptable for these name-brand manufacturers to "gouge" the public like this?  It's my understanding that when a pharmaceutical company releases a new drug, they have a patent that allows them to sell their drug exclusively for 10-20 years in order to compensate them for the years of R&D spent on said drug, but selling it at +564% is obscene.  No wonder insurance companies' premiums are through the roof.  I certainly couldn't afford that each month, even with my insurance.  What about people without insurance?  What about people that take multiple medications?  What about people on a fixed income?  What about those living at or below the poverty line?  I was outraged.  Shouldn't someone do something?  Shouldn't someone say something?

No one should ever have to consider not getting treatment - tests, medications or procedures - because of the hardship it would put on their families.  It is unacceptable.  

Father, I pray you will right this injustice.  I pray you will not only grant healing over those suffering from illness and injury, but that you will empower those that will see to it that all of us have equal access to care for our health and wellness that we can afford.  Thank you for your blessings over us.  In the name of your son Jesus Christ, Amen.