Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fear Can't Change Fate

On my way home from work the other day, I was detoured because of a very serious accident.  At that same time, I heard someone call into the radio station I was listening to asking for prayers for the woman and children that were being treated at the scene.  As I maneuvered through my alternate route, I could see the lights of the emergency response vehicles and the blades of the Life Flight helicopter on the overpass above me as I prayed.  My thoughts of that accident and those people stayed with me.  For me, these kinds of experiences feed anxiety.  I will almost always transfer these things onto my own life.  For example, if I had heard of a family that was affected by a house fire, then I would be preoccupied with thoughts of a fire in my house.  Were I told about a roller coaster going off track, the local amusement park would spark my hesitation and dread.  You see where this is going, don’t you?

These fears are completely ridiculous, I know.  Still, repeating that to myself this morning doesn’t really help me when I know our family will have to drive the kids in different directions for games today.  While serious panic attacks remain mostly at bay, I continue to battle overwhelming stress of fearful thoughts more regularly than I’d like to admit.

However, I am reminded of this:

God’s will is not something I can control or change.  Originally this would cause me panic itself.  I mean, if it is God’s will that someone will die today, nothing I do can deter that from happening, right?  But, looking at it from a more positive prospective is just as true, if it is not God’s will that someone will die today, nothing I do can change that either!  And, the bible is very specific in this truth – God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. (2Timothy 1:7) – we were not created or intended to be fearful or anxious.  He has spoken His intentions over our lives and they were recorded in the bible long before we were born, and they do not include fear and anxiety.  Imagine planning to start a family and all the hopes and plans you have for your children.  Did you ever think, “Oh, I want to have a fearful and anxious little girl who trembles at her own thoughts?”  Well, our heavenly father didn’t either!

So, I will take refuge in the Father today and everyday because He wants me to live fully everyday and enjoy His countless blessings.  I hope you'll do the same.  :0)

On another note, earlier this week an old friend of mine lost his mother.  I was so inspired by his comments upon her passing:  memories of a happy childhood, reflections of a woman that made their family a home and verses from the bible.  It has been so uplifting to witness someone’s faith, even through their own grief.  Please play for my friend as he buries his mom today, that he and his family may be given strength, comfort and peace.

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