Friday, October 24, 2014

Put it in Prayer

It is my understanding that sometimes we are called to reach out to others to do God’s will.  Now, sometimes it is by example that we can best introduce those lost sheep to Christ Jesus.  But other times we must step out beyond our comfort zones and do real work to help others to know or re-acquaint with the Lord.  Several months ago, I met someone that is a declared non-believer.  Initially I felt sorrow for this person – living without hope or purpose.  Over the course of time, this difference in our beliefs has really challenged me.  You see, I feel a need to help this sheep find a way back to The Shepherd.   It is difficult not to want the peace of a life with Christ for others.  As a Christian, it’s hard to hear anyone speak out against something so integral to our everyday - to our every breath.  But we are reminded in the Bible, that while we shall make an effort to do God’s work, we should not argue with non-believers.

Pray for God to use you as a way for others to find Him.  Pray for the lost that they may be found, if not through you, some other way.  And pray for God's encouragement, understanding and peace for yourself when you are not the vessel through which a soul is recovered.  Trust that God will save those who are to be saved and He will see to those who are to be lost.

On another note, I wasn’t always a pray-er.  Now, I find very few things more important/satisfying/rewarding/ than the time I spend in prayer.  While I understand not everyone may be called or moved to pray, I am.  So I try and remember that when faced with any roadblock that seems impassable, just pray. If you are not a pray-er, I hope you will give it a shot.  It may be awkward at first, but it’s kind of like trying a new exercise on your own for the first time.  A little uncomfortable.  “Is anyone looking at me?”   “Am I even doing this right?”  “I’ve been at this for a while, is it working?”  Try not to think of a right or wrong way to pray.  You don’t have to memorize anything.  As a matter of fact, my prayers are very much like a conversation.  Just go in with a thankful heart and you really can’t go wrong.

Let me share with you my daily prayer, which is hugely personal by the way.  But in any event, if it helps you to develop your own prayer, I’m happy to help:

Dear Lord, thank you for this day.  Thank you for my family and friends. Thank you for keeping us safe.  Thank you for our good health.  Thank you for your provisions.  Thank you, Lord, for you countless blessings over us – the seen and unseen.  Lord, keep me mindful that I cannot comprehend your works or abilities, that I may be encouraged knowing your power is beyond my imagination.  I pray you will continue to keep us safe and healthy.  I pray you will continue to provide for all of our needs and that you will help us to be a blessing to others.  I pray for your guidance in all I say and do, that I might be good example of what it is to be a member of your family, that others may be led to you.   In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Of course you may want to pray about specific things, but I have every confidence your prayers will be amazing!

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